I have been a passive trader on and off in the past, but I had become very gun shy after incurring many losses in my IRA portfolio. I was basically trading options, and had tried several advisory trading services without much success. Naturally, I was a bit hesitant to get involved with VantagePoint after my other failures, but they did offer a refund period with a money back guarantee, so I decided to take a look. I performed a Google search to learn more about the company, and I found several negative comments about their customer service, their product, etc., which made me even more cautious, but they assured me that there was no risk to test drive it, so I signed on. I can only say that I am very glad that I did. My experience with VantagePoint has been very positive. I did not have any issues with customer service, and the product proved itself well during the refund period. I can only attribute those negative comments to people who did not make any effort to use the system properly. During my initial refund period, the customer service staff was very helpful in getting me up and running. They were also very cooperative in waiting for a start date that would fit into my busy work schedule at the time. The training was easy and thorough, and I was showing profits immediately in my paper trading. I feel that all my questions were answered, and my trainer assured me that he would always be available to help if I needed it. I did utilize his assistance at first, and he was always able and willing to shed more light onto the question for me. It made the learning quick and easy. He continued to follow up with helpful info after I was up and running. After my refund period, I actually put some money into my first several trades, and made $1500, $3600, and $300 on my next three trades, each in only several days in the market with each trade. Actually, I exited the last trade in one day and took $300, because I got scared out by the volatility, but if I had trusted the software, that trade would have yielded about $4000 two weeks later. I will add that if I had trusted the software more, I would have more than doubled the results in all of the trades. Part of the learning process is to learn to trust the software, and VantagePoint has consistently proven itself as I continue to learn. My main problem has been when to take profits, and as I gain more confidence in VantagePoint, I can see how it will enable me to stay in trades longer, and not leave so many profits on the table. Again, I am exited about using the VantagePoint software in all of my future trading, and I finally feel like I am not just guessing about my trading decision. Thank you VantagePoint and Staff.