Elester first heard about trading from a copilot of his and made $60,000 on his first trade. But over confidence set in and he lost all that and more over the next few months. Looking for stability in his trading, Elester found his way to VantagePoint.

The retired marine Corp pilot, Air Force instructor and United Airline 747 pilot was sold on everything but the price. After realizing he’d lost much more than this investment in his previous trades, he took a risk and within 3 days had recouped all his loses.

With an accuracy rate of up to 86 percent, Elester was highly impressed and confident in his ability to make money by just trading stocks.

Elester said “It was all perfect for me and exactly what I wanted and needed at the time. Since I’ve been using VantagePoint I’m up 60%, including $7,000 today alone.”

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